How impactful is your programme?

The HILL monitor provides you a measure of how impactful your programme is based on the HILL building blocks. Afterwards we can generate a benchmark for high impact learning in your organisation.

Making the account, using the HILL Monitor and the feedback at the end are completely free.

Consultancy in response to the feedback on the HILL Monitor, the performance of more in-depth qualitative analysis and obtaining benchmarks are not free. For this you can contact us without obligation via or via the contact form on this website.

To use the HILL Monitor:

For companies: To use the HILL Business monitor. Create an account, receive your login and after receiving the login codes, invite all your employees who have followed your programme to fill in the 26 questions. A minimum of 30 employees must complete the monitor.

For education: To use the HILL Education monitor. Create an account, receive your login and after receiving the login codes, invite all your students or teachers/coaches who were involved in your programme to fill in the 30 questions. Create multiple accounts if you want to monitor several programmes or several year cohorts from one programme. You can compare the student monitor with the teacher’s monitor to check whether they are attuned to one another. Or compare students from a new programme with students from an old programme.

For lecturers: A minimum of 15 teachers/coaches must complete the monitor.

For students: A minimum of 30 students must complete the monitor.

HILL Benchmarks can be received on request for your programmes.

As soon as you see, in your administrator account, that all participants filled in the questionnaire you can send an email to to get the results of your HILL Monitor. 

More information about the HILL Monitor and guidelines for the necessary focusgroep interviews for interpretation of the HILL Monitor you can find in Creating Impact through Future Learning.